18 Apr

It's time Abby had some clothes, so the designer has been digging through fabrics, trims and research sources. The shelves are overflowing with lovely chintzes, brocades and satin ribbons. And a scrumptious selection of fabrics perfect for the now confirmed Gentleman doll. The buyer is taking a well deserved day off. 

Abby will be dressed in 1790's garb. It's a transition period, heading into the Regency, with an unusual mixture of styles, fabrics and colours. But it can be a less fussy look, with a minimum of trimmings. Even the jewelry is less flamboyant. The oversize hairstyles and hats can make up for that somewhat. Check out Stitching La Mode: Patterns and Dressmaking from Fashion Plates of 1785-1795  in the Reference section to see what the designer is up against.

It's always smart to start with a sketch. Here is the designer's vision of a round gown with an open robe.  

There are notes, thoughts and wishes for the pattern maker to consult. Which print to choose for the open gown? Opinions are mixed, but the green print is getting high marks. Either way, there is some matching to be done.

The chemise and round gown underneath will be of fine white cotton batiste.

The pattern maker, or cutter as we say in theatre, has already draped and created a basic draft for Abby, which can be used for other gowns in the future. 

She has also made some notes of her own. It's a struggle to keep costumes for Queen Anne's from becoming too bulky, so our cutter considers this in choosing how many layers to add and the type of sewing techniques to be used. All while still creating an 18th Century look.

Here are some sketches and 'plans' the cutter has made as a guide.

The turban style hat should be fun for the milliner to work on. She is already collecting references for that style.

                                         “Portrait of Mademoiselle Guimard,” by Jean-Baptiste Greuze, 1790



There is much excitement around getting started. The shop will be sure to update on the progress of Abby's new clothes. 

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