25 Aug

It has been a lazy summer at the shop. Too hot indoors. Much easier to work on little things than tackle the big projects.

Lavinia is at last complete. She was weary of only modelling hats, even sporting the much admired new wig. And it was high time her limbs were stitched to her torso! Fabrics and trims are already set aside for Lavinia's first ensemble. 

The cordwainer took on making a pair of brocade shoes for Charlotte. The original leather shoe pattern was still a bit long in the toe, but Charlotte is over the moon and can't wait to wear them with a new gown.

The other ladies are jealous and new patterns are for them are on the way.

The brocade shoes are made from a thrifted table runner, stash buttons, some tissue box cardboard, and intense zig zagging by machine. The buyer is still searching for the correct trim to stitch on top of the machine work. A new heel type was conjured up using some wooden fiddly bits (I think they are dollhouse vases?) from Hobby Lobby. Much sanding was required to achieve the correct shape. Once covered in the brocade, the heels proved to look just right. So much so, that a new pair of heels were sculpted, painted and attached to the original leather pair. Fashionable!

The milliner put together a lovely display presenting the hat collection so far. Some simple cotton and lace caps are on the milliner's next to-do list. Though the Bergere chapeaux are much more exciting to create.

The designer found a splendid book on hair styling, and throwing will power to the winds, immediately purchased 18th Century Hair and Wig Styling by Kendra Van Cleave. Worth every penny. The correct hair style does add to the fit and fashion of a hat.

Stockings and mitts are on the agenda next. Time to get out the knitting pins. So much yarn to chose from. But the boss wants all in white. Humph.

The buyer. of course, never rests and the bins are filled with buttons, trims, jewelry bits, fabrics, feathers and fun. Hobby Lobby (visited on a short trip to the US) left the buyer overwhelmed with possibilities and she needed a cup of tea after.

Stay tuned with what new delights the designer presents the shop. And do check out the What's New for the Ladies section. 

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