08 Dec

After a brief hiatus the Queen Anne factory is open again and the boss is busy making lists and playing catch up.

Before taking this break, Abigail's face paint was accomplished. The artist took advantage of some new paint pens and learned a great deal while doing so. Abby is a sweet lady with a charming smile. The mantua maker is planning a later decade in the 18th century to dress her in. Chemise style and wide sashes. And a chapeau of course. 

               Abby needs her wig styled to add more height and some ribbons through the curls.

Lavinia however, received a repaint, since the artist initial results were not pleasing. The lady has a whiter complexion now, looking much more like the original Queen Anne's. Her gown will be from an early decade and the buyer has offered some choices for a cap with lappets. But first the painter must also colour her lower arms and legs to complete the pale aesthetic. More work. Should have thought of that first!

                          Lavinia looks a bit solemn. Perhaps she is unhappy with unstyled hair?

Of course the buyer for the shop never rests and enjoyed a thorough round of thrifting with her family. More fabric! More yarn! More trimmings! More ideas!

The jeweller has already sorted through button and jewellery jars to see which will suit the cameo collection and made choices for necklaces and bracelets. Lots to choose from. Well done buyer!

The ladies have been longing for new caps or hats and are not disappointed either by the new finds. The straw hat additions to the stock will be snapped up in a trice. The set of three cozies from a vintage market make lovely caps. Perfect for the morning toilette before the wig is carefully placed. Here is Charlotte modelling hers.

                   The knitting and crochet specialist will make a pattern so the caps can be sized to fit smaller heads.

There is some more work to be done on both ladies' arms and legs. Lots of stuffing and hand sewing ahead. But then . . . it'll be time to put together fabrics and trims for their wardrobes. The most fun of all.

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