21 Oct

The doll workshop was on hiatus for a couple of weeks while the milliner, cordwainer, mantua maker, doll painter and weary cleaner upper went to visit family.  A bit of stocking knitting happened here and there, but for the most part it was all about chatting and drinking tea. With ginger cookies.

Of course, the buyer is never completely off duty. Who can resist new thrift shops to conquer? With her faithful assistant, also known as the best brother ever, each charity shop was thoroughly investigated. And a book shop or two as well. With absolutely no regard to how it might all fit into one suitcase.

Lots of yarn was available, as usual, and small knitting pins to make it happen. One of the shops was moving premises and so all the ribbon, lace, trims and even a pin cushion had been stuffed into one bag and on offer for a whole five dollars. Score!  

No one could resist the wooden salt and pepper shakers for ninety-nine cents. They are hand made and without a scratch. A debate still rages about whether or not they should be used as hat stands. Luckily the milliner had already set up a new and improved type of hat display stand and the shakers are safe in the kitchen. For the moment.

The shakers are 5 inches tall and the tops are just the right size for caps or wigs to sit on without the addition of a styro 'mushroom' on top.

The new display stand was constructed using a candle holder and dollar store foam cushions covered in stretch fabric from a pair of very tired leggings. The  milliner was very careful with the glue. 

Now back in the shop, the boss is busy making to do lists and sorting out the new finds. Job number one is to sculpt and paint Abigail's face and make up the arms and legs for her and Lavinia. Stuffing small limbs is not a great deal of fun, so that will be done in stages with lots of tea breaks.

The buyer's dear brother recommended a number of different indelible pens that have a fine point on one end and a brush on the other. Many different colours and shades for the Shop Crafter to choose from. One set of twelve is all about various shades of grey ending in black. Hmmmm. Will research further, since painting with the red water colour pencils has gotten away from her a few times. The darn red keeps moving around when any water comes near it. Lavinia has a bit of a blushed appearance as a result that is not unbecoming, thank goodness.

The Crafter promises to update the face painting instructions should some new techniques work out. Stay tuned for the progress on Abigail's visage.

Weren't we supposed to be making shoes?

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